
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. — For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.



Indian Classical Music

I have been learning to play the Indian classical instrument Tabla for the last 7 years, and have learnt the Hindustani style of Vocal music for about 2 years. The rich Indian classical music fascinates me, and I’m associated with organizations like SPIC MACAY that seek to preserve these art forms.

Travel & Photography

I’ve been lucky to travel to various parts of India & Europe and explore the diverse cultures. I often pen down my thoughts on these trips, and love to take pictures with my DSLR (or even my mobile :)), particularly when it involves nature. More details to be updated shortly!


Hardware Accelerators

I have delved into a range of projects focussing on hardware accelerators for various applications. Of late, I’m particularly focusing on machine learning applications on embedded platforms. Read more about the research problems of my interest here!

Interdisciplinary Research

I am passionate about interdisciplinary research problems that align with Digital Design, with a special inclination towards translational research. You can find more about some of my work here.



IUSSTF Viterbi India Program


Final presentation for the IUSSTF Viterbi Summer Research Experience Program, titled “Hardware Accelerators for Vision Transformers”. Find the poster here

Young Research Fellow Poster Day


I presented a poster titled “Predicting Rupture Potential of Cerebral Aneurysms”, based on the work carried out under the Young Research Fellow Program 2021-22. Find the poster here

MLArchSys @ ISCA 2024


Virtual presentation of our work on “Lightweight Vision Transformers for low energy edge inference” at the MLArchSys workshop at ISCA 2024. Find the recorded talk here.

SRC AIHW Annual Review


Presented the Annual Review Presentation of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) AI Hardware Task 3148.001 “Ultra Low Energy Ultra Low Latency Machine Learning using Weightless Neural Networks” at the Combined AIHW/HWS Review held in July 2024, at ADI Wilmington.


Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Course, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2022

I was a Teaching Assistant for the EE2003 Computer Organization course offered by Prof. Nitin Chandrachoodan in Fall’22. My responsibilities included conducting weekly lab sessions, and evaluating students. I also held periodic discussion and feedback sessions with my assigned group of students.

Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Course, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2023

I was a Teaching Assistant for the EE2703 Applied Programming Lab course offered by Prof. Nitin Chandrachoodan in Spring’23.

Teaching Assistant

Upper Division Undergraduate Course, Chandra Family Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 2023

I was a Teaching Assistant for the ECE Capstone Design class offered by Prof. Frank Register in the Fall’23 - Spring ‘24 iteration. My responsibilities included mentoring student groups, conducting weekly progress reviews, and evaluating students.


Undergraduate Research, , 2023

I am always excited about mentoring juniors on any aspects of undergraduate programs or research - be it related to courses, specializations, undergraduate research, research internship programs, or even application procedures for these. I’d also be happy to review application packages for research internship programs and graduate school applications. If you feel our backgrounds align and I might be of help to you, feel free to shoot me an email at If you are from EE@IITM, check out the EE Research Club that a few of us initiated!